Dunkin Donuts Essay

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- Naming Products/Buying Domains

The first thing you are going to change is the title. Just think up something clever, it doesn't have to be perfect.

There is a simple trick that you can use to name your products (and also use it when you buy domain names) to make it not only easy to remember, but also stick with people and make you somewhat unique.

It is actually a branding technique that big companies use to create a more memorable brand for their products/business.

The trick is simple, start each word with the same letter.

For an example, how about the donut chain Krispy Kreme.

While we are on donuts, how about Duncan Donuts.
(now I’m hungry)

It kind of makes it roll off the tongue better, and also of course, easier to remember. …show more content…

It doesn’t matter if you have 1 or 5 PLR ebooks/reports, get the best information from all of them and turn them into one hot report.

Also remember that you can do volumes. For instance; Let’s say you found a ton of PLR stuff with lots of good information for one market.

Create a Volume 1 and sell it, then a few weeks later, release your Volume 2 to the same people who were interested in Volume 1. Depending on how much good information you have, this could go on for quite awhile making you tons of easy money!

Another idea you may want to consider is to create product packages.

If you have been online in the Internet marketing industry for any length of time, you will have seen where people take like 10 products and bundle them into one package, and sell it for cheap..

Although this is common in the Internet marketing market, it is rarely seen in other markets and works very well.

Now you don't have to bundle 10 products, just 2 or 3 would make your offer more powerful..

Whichever you decide, the point is to make it stand out from the rest a little bit.

- Change the title
- Cut the fat
- Package it with other PLR products of the same topic

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