Effective Classification System

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According to Travis and Latessa, the following describes the 10 elements of effective classification and assessment. They are.
1). Purposeful. For the most part, the reason for classification and assessment is to guarantee that the offenders are dealt differently inside the system wind in order to provide security, sufficient treatment, and comprehension.
2). Organizational Fit. Is when an organization and agencies are different in characteristics, capabilities, and needs.
3). Accuracy. Is when there is a concern about how the instrument is utilized. For instance, what is the assessment outcome? Is the offender entering the system correctly? Are the key elements such as, basically, reliability, and validity accuracy? According, to Glick, Sturgeon, …show more content…

Dynamism. Is when the dynamic risk factor is open to changes. It will also allow one to measure progress and change in the offender. In addition, it is known to make the process of reclassification easier.
7). Utility. This is when the staff uses the classification system to become effective in accomplishing the purpose and the goal of the agency.
8). Practicality. This is a process of implementing a system in an agency. Therefore, if a system is 100% accurate but fails in an agency, then it is ineffective in the agency. Whereas, a system that is easy to utilize but is ineffective in decision making, then it has no value.
9). Justice. The evidence is a product of the effectiveness of the classification and assessment process. For instance, the placement and service provision of an offence should be determined by the offender differences that are factual, measurable, yield consistent outcomes, regardless of the subjective impressions.
10). Sensitivity. The main goal of the classification process is to ensure that all elements are met. In addition, the classification and assessment process is sensitive to the differences of the offenders. In doing such, it will create an individualizing case planning (Latessa & Smith,