
Essay Comparing The Parthenon And The Pantheon

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Both the Parthenon from Ancient Greece, and the Pantheon from Rome share many similarities as well as many differences. Both of these amazing structures started out as temples in their local cultures. The Parthenon temple in Greece was dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron. (Wikipedia) The Pantheon in Rome is a temple built for every God representative of all people. Although the temples were representative of different Gods, they both bring attention to the worshiping of a greater being. The structure of these temples compliments the worshipping culture. The Pantheon was built with large granite Corinthian columns under a pediment. The foundation of the structure leads to supporting a large concrete dome with a central opening that opens to the sky. The structure of the Parthenon is similar with large, limestone foundations on which Pentelic marble columns were placed. Conversely to the opening in the sky of the Pantheon, the main function of the Parthenon was to shelter the statue of Athena. The statue of Athena was made of gold and ivory which depicts the strength and beauty in this Goddess of wisdom, craft and war. …show more content…

The Pantheon is now utilized as a place of worship for the people of Rome. It is currently ruled by Italy’s Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. In 2013 it was visited by more than 6 million people. This is very conversely compared to the Parthenon, which after initial construction began, was burned by the Persians. It was reconstructed on the same site as the original temple, and although not the largest temple in Greece, it’s known for its quality sculptural decoration. Today the Parthenon does not serve as a gathering place, but more of a temple of the past. It can be visited by tourism sites and remains in

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