Essay On My Responsibility To America

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My Responsibility to America
America is a country that consists of fifty states and five territories. It encompasses a total of 3,806,000 million square miles. It is bordered by Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. It was founded on July 4, 1776, with The Declaration of Independence. It is home to the world’s largest economy and a global superpower. It is one of the most industrialized countries in the world and is the home of numerous technologies. It is also a place of natural beauty, with forests, rivers, valleys, deserts, mountains, and plains. How did America become the great country it is today? Not through government control, or great leaders. Not through its large supply of natural resources or trading. Not through war, or conquest, but through our rights. The right to believe anything we want, the right to express what we please, the …show more content…

They don’t realize how lucky they are to be living in the United States. There are some countries in the world that don’t give their people rights. Some countries don’t let people have their own beliefs. Some countries make themselves judge, jury, and executioner. Some countries go as far as to deny their people the most basic human right, the right to live. It is a sad reality that the world is like this, and even sadder that many people are not aware of how much we have here in America. Many countries have tried, time and time again, to take away our rights and freedom away from us. Over 1,100,100 Americans have died in defense of the freedoms and rights we have. Unfortunately, their sacrifice has been forgotten by some, and their rights, again, taken for granted. I am an American, and it is my responsibility to be grateful for my rights and to remember the sacrifices made to protect those