Final Essay

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Over the 2014 summer, I attended Explore Your Future Camp for Rochester Institute of Technology. This camp had open me to the experience at college, and has given me more opportunities to explore college campus and life. In this paper you will learn about my life at school, and how I plan to use the material I learned, and apply it to my years spent at college. A quick over-glance of my college plan, my major Computer Engineering; what jobs I would like to work at. You will get to know my perspective of a student apart of the CEMS program. I will give you a more in-depth how each class has benefit me, and how I feel about each class.

As my final years of high school approach, I want to major in Computer Engineering at R.I.T. (Rochester Institute …show more content…

The early years of CEMS has broaden my knowledge to engineering. As CEMS program did help open my view to engineering. It had not helped me understand use of it in the real world. If there was something I could change with the CEMS program. I would have more classes offered in the computer field. More hands on projects with related technologies to the class, and teaching us how we would use these applications in the real world, or how this project/research relates to the real world. Do I feel more prepared compared to the seniors that have not taken the CEMS program. Yes, I feel very far beyond prepared then the mainstream seniors. The classes were challenging for me and is preparing me for college-like …show more content…

Calculus has prepared me by teaching me that you need to study even when the teacher doesn’t offer study material. AP Stats showed me that you will need to ask for help, because you can’t always figure it out all by yourself. Finally Computer Science and Aerospace have showed me that you need to know how to work with your partners or teammates, through communication and planning. It doesn’t just happen and come out perfectly. All throughout school has showed me that I will make mistakes, and the only way to go beyond the mistake is to learn about the mistake and don’t repeat