Final Essay

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Technologies are growing rapidly-advanced than ever, making everything easier, faster and better. One press and one click everything is there. Technologies have been providing the world what it ought to have in line with the needs of the people. It helps from the simplest things up to the complicated things and one of which is aiding daily lives activities but most specifically, aiding educational insufficiency. There are a range of technologies in development and in some cases already in use that have the potential to transform our workplaces- for better or for worse (Richardson 2012). Some time in somewhere, you will just wake up with the robot teaching you why 1+1=2. Knowing that technology has coped up to the extent what humankind is. The world can stop not what it is now and what will it be tomorrow. …show more content…

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world (Mandela, 2013). Education is a powerful driver of development and is one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability (The World Bank 2015). The quality of education is different from one country to another and that what makes it hard to assess what really defines education. According to the Education for All: Global Monitoring Report (2005 p.17) on the quality imperative, there are two principles characterize most attempts to define quality in education: first, identifies learners' cognitive development as the major explicit objective of all education systems and second emphasizes education's role in promoting values and attitudes of responsible citizenship and in nurturing creative and emotional development. Quality education for all today cannot be achieved without taking technological factors into account (UNESCO

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