
Final Essay

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Phones are taking over the world in how we communicate or how we spend our time in today world. The addiction to how often we use are phones are cutting away our time in life and turning us into social zombies. This is affecting almost everyone that is using cell phones as their main source of communication with others or just addicted to using digital media content. Digital media has changed the way we handle social interactions with each other in person and the way we see precede life. There are a lot of effects for using digital media that can affect someone to act like a zombie.
Smart phones are used in our day to day life’s to do many tasks that can make someone more interested in their phone than what’s going on around them. As technology …show more content…

The biggest change smart phones have changed is the way talk to each other in person. “As of 2014, more than 74 percent of American adults used social media. In 2014, 98 percent of young adults aged between 18 and 29 have their own mobile phone. Fifty-eight percent of American adults own a smartphone and 83 percent of young adults aged between 18 and 29 have their own smartphone.(nS)” Cell phone use is making people less connected to a conversation by thinking what others are doing or what’s on their phone. Over time this forms a bad habit to not communicate with a person and not being present to the moment. Not being involve and looking at your phone can make someone also make you a less interesting in person to talk to because of the conversation is lacking effort. Everyone using digital media is trying to arrange and sustain interpersonal relationships. These actions are to fulfill someone need to feel like they belong. Messaging, posting, and sharing online can satisfy someone’s need to belong in satiety. People with low self-esteem are more likely to benefit from digital media because of how easy it is to connected and share with others with the need to face them in person. Smart phones are turning people to digital media zombies and making people miss the important things in life every …show more content…

I like virus that’s spreading making people think there doing the right thing. These are the four main reasons why digital media is the same as a zombie apocalypse. The first is you’re dead to others by avoiding life and not being there for someone. Playing on your smart phone while someone is talking to you or that change someone wanted you to do something will make someone less interested in seeing them again. This brings it to the next reason that zombies and digital media have unique similarities. The next is that phones or any other digital media will make you feel dead inside. This will only happen though if you don’t set up for in person interactions. Most people using social media are just trying to get likes or posting stuff about them to seek validation form some else. The reason it makes someone feel dead inside is because it’s nowhere near what it’s like for person face to face validation is. The third similarity zombies and phone users have is that both have hunch back. Having bad poster is what most modern zombies look like and having and looking down at a phone all the time will do this to someone using Digital media. The last reason why digital media makes people like zombies is because phones makes you lose in person commutation skills. Just using phones all the time and having face to face conversations can make anyone quieter in person like a zombie. With

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