
Florida State University Personal Statement

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Statement of Intent Since I was a little girl, all I wanted to do was make a difference in the world. It was very frustrating living in a small, rural farm town in Ohio, where putting in just a small amount of effort earned me weekly spots on the front page of the local newspaper. Out of my entire graduating class, I was the only student to pioneer forth and venture out of the tristate area. Granted, it was not an easy transition; moving across the country at 18 with little background knowledge of my destination definitely took its toll on me my freshman year. During my first year, I began to doubt that I would ever gain the ability to make an impact. Through my two years at Florida State University, I have grown and have finally drafted a plan on how to accomplish my goal. …show more content…

It was not long before I realized FSU’s reputation as a “party school.” This was very difficult for me to swallow. Here I was: a thousand miles from home in a place where my intelligence and enthusiasm for academia would only be praised by my honors program advisors and would be ridiculed by near everyone else. Once I discovered the lifestyle of my peers was not for me, I began to search for ways to challenge myself. After changing majors from finance to economics to mechanical engineering to mechanical engineering and economics, I realized the coursework was not going to be enough of an obstacle. I began to join different clubs and started to do as much volunteer work as I could. At my first Caring and Helping in Community Service (CHICS) meeting, I was elected to the executive board after giving a speech with absolutely no preparation. It was in that moment I knew that Florida State University was not going to provide me with the challenge I so desperately

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