Global Digital Economy: United Parcel Service

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With the increasing speed of change and competition in today's global, digital economy, can UPS continue to pursue its dual strategies of operational excellence and adaptation while maintaining adherence to the employee-centric cultural policies that have been the foundation of its success for so long? (20 marks)?

United Parcel Service was founded by James E. Casey on August 28, 1097 (UPS, 2017). The company has held strong onto its values of (1) mutual accountability: (2) constructive dissatisfaction; (3) industrial-engineering process improvement and (4) employee-centric culture, over the past 110 years. Starting back in 1907 UPS was a bike delivery service in Seattle and today it is one of the world’s largest package delivery services. …show more content…

Over the years, the company has failed time and time again but the employees were heavily invested in striving through until they became successful. Within today’s generation the work ethic of generation X and Y are not the same as the G.I or baby boomers generation. Generations X and Y seek rewards, have high expectations, and aren’t as work orientated opposed to family orientated (Robbins, Judge & Langton, 2017). To thrive in today’s world, UPS will have to focus attention on their employee centric culture more than there other values. Happy motivated employees allows for a higher success rate, which then equal a higher profit for the company. Having accommodations such as day care for the employee’s children, prayer rooms for certain religious and staff events will create a more welcoming positive work environment. UPS has always treated their employees with respect and gratitude, by viewing each other as partners rather than co-workers and by offering the opportunity of advancement to everyone. Once, the company is satisfied internally they will be better focus on the external factors of today’s …show more content…

The internet allows the public to have anything delivered to their door step in 5-10 business days; UPS needs to make sure they are the ones delivering it. With international partnerships it will allow UPS to have no bounds of where they can’t deliver. Partnerships around the world also means 24/7 interactions, therefore allowing employees to bring their work home and have them adjust it to their schedules satisfies both success of the company and the UPS core