
Global Warming Persuasive Essay

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The habits and tendencies of humans are typically ironic some might say; then others might argue that some things need to be done for us to live as we want. Sadly, the main problem with that is us as a people still decide to look over the complications our actions might cause in the future. Passive attitudes of many could be why we are not able to make changes. The fact that many people talk about the problems caused by ourselves and changes that can be made to better the fact, but then it seems no steps are ever taken. Two well known scholars named Anna Lappé and Gary Steiner have written articles tackling these issues and given their own inputs that many thinks are persuasive. The two posed different ideas about changing our habits to better …show more content…

Some don’t even believe that it is taking place or that it does not even affect our lives but many other beg to differ. In Anna Lappé’ “The Climate Crisis at The End Of Our Fork” (2009), she gives many examples of how our agriculture changes, things we eat, land changes, and waste and transportation all effect our world negatively. Lappé says, “The sources of food system emissions are responsible for nearly one third of the total man-made global warming effect” (113). Meaning that the processes we use to kill the animals that we feed on is a huge part of the global warming effects taking place before our eyes. Another big percentage of the effect is the emissions is the 13.1 percent coming from transportation. Which some industries demand energy-intensive shipping but not at the rates of most countries, especially our own. On another note Lappé states the biggest percentage of greenhouse emissions is a full 18 percent coming from our land changes. Man-made changes that is, “destruction of vital rainforest through burning and clearing and the elimination of wetlands to expand pasture for cattle, feed crops for livestock, and oil palm plantations” (108). These are all negatively effecting the world we live on and the simple thing to say to lessen these problem is to do what is right, if it is simply put. It is easier said than done

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