
Greek Mythology Short Story

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Chapter 1

Light. The hallway was so bright. That was the only thing I could think of as I sat outside my dad's office. Today was a little strange. My dad never formally invited me to his office. I suppose there was nothing to be concerned about the invitation, but I couldn't be sure. Anything my dad did was usually significant. Probably because he was a god.

As a child of a god, I was pretty significant too. Well, I would have been if I was born during the first millennium of his reign. He's already been around for a few thousand years so I kind of think the novelty of god's children has worn off a bit to mortals. My dad helps oversee thousands of planets, so I suppose some worlds are more surprised than others when someone like me decides to visit. …show more content…

There are many other gods out there who help govern and judge the worlds. Some are more "committed" than others to fulfilling there roles. My dad's told me about some of the other gods who only pursue their own interests, which doesn't surprise me. I wonder if he's going to start involving me with some of his plans.

My reverie was broken by steps coming from down the hallway. I looked down the hall and saw my older sister walking towards me. She was tall and lithe with silver hair. She didn't appear muscular, but she was a lot stronger than most people her age. She was a kind person, to her family. Outside of our family circle, she was known for her sass. It's probably why she didn't have many close friends.

"Hey Chandra, did dad call you to his office as well?" I asked as she drew

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