High Stakes Accountability Essay

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-The diversity of the 21st century classroom creates numerous challenges for teachers who may have known the same diversity themselves as students.
-Among these teachers must balance the requirements of high-stakes accountability while meeting the needs of diverse students within their classroom. The 26th annual report to congress on IDEA reported that approximately ninety six percent of general education teachers have students in their classroom with learning disabilities.
-This is not a surprising statistic considering there are over six million students with disability classifications in the United States. While many teachers express frustrations over high-stakes accountability standards they acknowledge pressure to “teach …show more content…

Teachers who feel ill-prepare to address the diverse needs of their students for example: have ready access to more options than ever before as a result of wide range of software and hardware tools available.
-Technology can help equip teachers to address student’s needs in an almost limitless of ways, through content input, learning activities and opportunities to demonstrate comprehension and because many students come to the learning environment with a predisposition for using it seamlessly technology can become an intermediary that bridges the relationship between teacher to meet a student in a familiar realm.
-Technology also addresses the necessity to cover a wide range of content in a short amount of time by minimizing the needs to take curriculum at a slower pace. Students with special needs may benefit from technologies that assist them allowing them to keep pace with their peers.
-Differentiating instruction involves manipulating to teacher-dependent dimensions those variables over which teachers have control. But differentiating instruction effectively requires manipulating those variables over with attention to the student-dependent dimension the variables over which teachers have no control but can make each student