How Does Tony Azpurua Deserve The Jefferson Award

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Tony Aizpurua: A Logical Candidate for the Jefferson Award. Youth in Amery, Wisconsin need strong, influential leaders because they help youth grow in different ways and help build who they are. The Jefferson Award is awarded by the Multiplying Good organization to people who go out of their way to help out in the community. An individual worth noticing is Tony Aizpurua, a youth middle school booster basketball coach in the community of Amery, Wisconsin. He has become a coach because all of his three children are involved in sports. The Multiplying Good organization should give the Jefferson Award to Tony Aizpurua because he has good communication skills and a positive attitude toward his team. One reason Tony deserves the Jefferson Award …show more content…

Although some may claim that teachers deserve the award because they show more kindness toward youth, Tony Aizpurua truly deserves the Jefferson Award because of his positive attitude. I 9 Sports is a credible source because it specializes in sports facilities and has lots of experience in the field. In “What Makes A Good Youth Sports Coach,” I 9 Sports, an organization that specializes in sports, states, “Kids will often mirror the attitudes of their coaches, so it is important to stay positive even when things are going wrong. A coach with a positive attitude helps motivate players to improve their skills and allows them to have fun at the same time”(2022). Most coaches are yelling at their players all the time, so positivity is rare to find in coaches and that helps players stay more positive, have higher self-esteem, and believe that they can do it. Therefore, positivity in coaches should be recognized and they should be given the Jefferson Award. A convincing example of coach Azipuria’s positivity is when I missed a shot, he told me the score does not matter as long as I had fun. This encouragement helped me stay positive because it was the game-winning shot and I was feeling like I