Leadership Styles In The Military And Construction Industry

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Leadership Styles


Autocratic leadership style
In this style, the leader has total authority and control over decision making as well as monitor such decisions very closely. Therefore, in this leadership style the primary characteristic is the little or no input from group members since, the leader makes all the decisions. Autocratic leadership style is very effective in environments where control is crucial, often where the margin of error should be minimum. These environments may include, the military, construction industry or in the manufacturing department. It is an effective style in that decisions are made quickly since there is no consultation. Moreover, it allows the team to focus on performance …show more content…

Accordingly, it adheres to the hierarchical form of organization structure where a subordinate is required to report to their immediate superior. Further, promotions are done on the basis of employee’s ability to conform to the set rules and their job descriptions. The main characteristics of bureaucratic leadership include; two-way focus- up-focus where the focus is on the directors and the stockholders and in-focus where the focus is on profits or increasing production. Further, the organization is controlled nu immutable rules and regulations, is closely observant to the hierarchy formula and lastly, employment is based on technical proficiency. Thus, this leadership style is most suitable for large organizations (Spahr, …show more content…

A leader does not use their authority but maintains contact with the team members. In this style, there exist performance standards, and the employees are allowed to work creatively to meet those standards. The employees are allowed to make decisions by themselves but are only effective if they are committed to realizing the set goals. Therefore, there is a free flow of communication and information among team members. It is beneficial in that employees are highly motivated and satisfied. On the other hand, it has its short-falls since, there is no direct leadership hence employees do not have any guidance and support. In this regard, it can only be effective if the employees involved are all highly trained, self-motivated and responsible (Chand,