Literature Synthesis Paper: Communication And Emotional Intelligence

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Communication and Emotional Intelligence
Literature Synthesis
In today’s fluidity of healthcare, it is crucial for effective communication amongst the entire healthcare compendium for safe, dependable care. Emotional intelligence (EI) fosters communication and collaboration across the multidisciplinary team of the healthcare arena (Akerjordet & Severinsson, 2010).
Emotional intelligence uses well-being, self-control, emotionality and sociability to monitor and guide one’s own thinking and actions (Heffernan, Quinn-Griffin, McNulty, & Fitzpatrick, 2010; Vandewaa, Turnipseed, & Cain, 2016). The emotionally intelligent leader is not only be aware of their emotions, but also those around them, to help integrate the needs of other individuals …show more content…

While each person’s EI skillset is inherently different, it can be fostered or impaired based on life experiences and education (Roussel et al., 2016). When the nurse leader guides with EI and creates an expectation of EI within the unit, organization or system, communication has the opportunity to flourish with respectful and supportive collaboration. Communication that lacks in EI can often be one sided, devoid of collaboration creating feelings of resentment and mistrust on the other party Rouse & Al-Maqbali, …show more content…

However, in today’s multidisciplinary team structure, conflict is not only a reality, it is the indication that there are differences present with potential for growth and development (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2018).
While some conflict is an essential tool for growth and transformation, there is also unnecessary conflict. Conflicts often stem from; structural, value driven, information, interaction, and interest bases (Losa-Inglasias & Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo, 2012; Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2018). The effective leader manages conflict by recognizing that conflict is an opportunity for productive growth and confronting the issue in a socially constructive manner, allowing the conflict to be addressed freely (Kim, Nicotera, & McNulty, 2015).
Unnecessary conflicts can also be prevented in many cases by effective leaders. In team-based business, unnecessary conflicts can be avoided by fair and equitable treatment, transparency, clear and concise rules, acknowledgment of unique contributions, mutual appreciation among team members, and identifying then removing hidden agendas (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2018). The experienced leader can recognize when these unnecessary conflicts arise and help guide the team through the conflict to find a