
Manager Interview Paper

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Manager Interview Team D composed a set of 10 questions to ask a manager from each of their perspective organizations to gain a better understanding of performance management process. The organizations that were interviewed were: Molina Healthcare, Inc., South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority, Columbia Center with US Bank, and JETA Trans. Each team member interviewed managers from these organizations to determine if their employees understand their responsibilities based on their performance and if managers motivate, treat and support their employees. Each interview displays how each performance management is in that organization; it shows how each manager performs their part to ensure workforce, employee performance, etc. are improving …show more content…

When the manager interviews their employee on their performance it opens the door for open communication between the two. It allows the employee to know if there are things that need to change because the manager does not think that the employee is working to the best of their ability. It also allows the employee to get refreshed on if they are not doing certain tasks that they have forgotten that needs to be done.
Without a performance management interview, it would be hard for the employee to know if they lack somewhere in their job that they are required to perform on a daily basis. The need for a performance manager interview is for improvement and enhancement for both the employee and manager (Budworth, Lathom, & Menroop, 2015). A performance management interview could be a routine requirement that should get done multiple times of the year just to make sure everything is in working proper …show more content…

Furthermore, employees within each of the organizations seem to receive continuous feedback toward the progress of their goals; along with, coaching and development. However, I would recommend that Molina Healthcare engage its employees more often than on a quarterly basis in updating them on the progress of the department. Feedback is critical to the success of the performance management process. Per OPM.gov (n.d.), “employees should receive information about how they're doing as timely as possible." If improvement is needed, it is better to confront it sooner than later so that the problem can be corrected. Finally, recognition and rewards. Each of the organizations does their best to provide their employees with incentives to keep their employees engaged and on track with meeting their performance

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