Mean Statements Made On Social Media

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Mean statements made on social media is a cyber bullying act. I believe individuals that cyberbully should be prosecuted. Cyberbullying is a willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices, as stated in Source 3: Fact Sheet, “The Ophelia Project”. Cyberbullying causes suicidal thoughts, injury, and causes the victim to be unfocused during school and during classwork assignments. Although others argue that cyber bullies aren’t a big deal and that they are just a part of school, cyberbullies can be a huge threat to your child or other individuals, even at school.
There are multiple reasons why cyber bullies should be prosecuted and self harm is one of them. As children start to experience online bullies, they begin to doubt themselves as a person and wonder if they are good enough. That’s why Congresswoman Linda Sanchez is sponsoring the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act. As it states in “The Dangers of Cyberbullying”, “The bill would make bullying through an electronic means a federal crime”. If someone were to get hurt, the bill ensures that someone is held accountable for the behavior that led to that person getting injured. Basically creating this will somewhat prevent the bullying, or decrease the amount of bullies. …show more content…

If someone is insulting or being despicable to you over and over again, would you feel hurt and worry about it a lot? Source 3: Fact Sheet, “The Ophelia Project”, states,” 60% of targets said that their online experiences as a target of cyberbullying affected them at school, home, and with friends, and reported experiencing feelings of frustration, anger and sadness”. Children are afraid to reject or stick up to cyber bullies or even bullies, because of the effect it will cause. Another outcome to being unfocused is it may generate the victim to be unsuccessful on class assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. No bullies means better