Mentor UF Research Paper

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As Matthew Kelly said, “Whatever change you desire for the world, create that change in your own life.” I have always been a socially active person. I always like to invest my time in things that are beneficial to me and the community. If I am admitted to UF, then I would invest my time into things that will enrich both my academic and worldly knowledge. One thing that I would like to do if I am admitted to UF is to be part of Mentor UF. I believe that every student can excel in academics, and the only thing that stops them is motivation and guidance. In high school, I am part of the tutoring program that helps students with math and science. This year, I tutored a student who struggled in geometry. The challenge for him was that he was a visual learner and his teacher lectured him, but did not use any hands on activity to demonstrate a lesson. I solved his problem by showing him how to solve the questions using different diagrams and encouraging him to use strategies such as elimination to increase his test scores. By becoming part of Mentor UF, I would like to continue providing guidance and motivation to high school students and inspiring them to go to postsecondary institutions. …show more content…

I have always been interested in the medical field, and I have always tried to be part of any organization that would increase my knowledge about different medical careers. Currently, I am part of my school’s Allied Health Academy that allows students who want to pursue a medical career to earn their CNA certifications. Also, I am the president of my high school’s HOSA chapter. As the president, I go to the HOSA’s state conventions where I get a chance to meet students who have similar goals and aspirations. Through UF’s HOSA chapter, I would like to continue interacting with students who have passion for the medical professions and represent UF at its state and national