Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theories

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Throughout the decades, intelligence theories have been a subject of debate within the education psychology field of study. Numerous researchers have suggested varying forms of intelligence from an overall ability to a wide range of skills and talents (Waterhouse, 2006). One of the major theories in psychology is the multiple intelligence theory (MIT) introduced by Howard Gardner. In 1983, Howard suggested it in one of his books, Frames of Mind. According to Gardner, human intelligence involves a configuration of several complementary abilities in an individual (Owens & Valesky, 2011). This paper analyzes the impact of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory (MIT) on schools and educators. It will achieve this by discussing the seven MIT intelligences that include linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, music intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, …show more content…

Individuals with spatial intelligence have the ability to identify three dimensional shapes from touch as they have a good capacity to use their visual form of thinking (Owens & Valesky, 2011). These individuals are also good at interpreting maps and visualizing several mental moves in advance. Spatial intelligence also enables individuals to create, modify, and transform visual images.
Contrary to Howard Gardner’s MIT, traditional intelligence theories emphasize on the importance of developing only linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence in schools. Gardner, on the other hand, emphasizes on the need for schools to recognize all seven fields of intelligences as equally important (Sternberg, 2005). Traditional theories support the standardized testing that predetermines how students show their knowledge and skills. Contrary to this, Gardner’s theory suggests allowing students to express their knowledge and skills using the different