My Ethics And Integrity Course

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Ethics and Integrity course was the most self-reflecting course for me out of all courses in this program. In other courses, I have learned about many new laws, rules, regulations, as well as how to lead, manage, mentor and build relationships. This course, however, was unique because as a current administrator, I was constantly coming back to my practices and checking my personal code of ethics and my decision making. There are also a big number of laws, rules and relationship building connected to ethics and integrity but the biggest surprise for me was the amount of gray areas that an administrator is constantly facing. In this class I have learned how to make ethical decisions, model and behave in ways that demonstrate professionalism to parents, students and staff. …show more content…

It showed me not only where my core values and beliefs are coming from but also the process of changing my values over time and the people that influenced me the most. The biggest discovery for me was the change of my work values between the younger age and the adult age. When I was a child my parents were always blue collar workers. They constantly taught my siblings and I about work ethics and how physical work is the success to a better life if we put enough effort into. I was the first family member from my immediate and extended family who received a Bachelor’s degree and then a Master’s degree. I still believe that being a hard worker is a great character trait, however, my value in Education brought me a different perspective of