My Experience At The College Of Charleston

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Throughout my brief time at the College of Charleston, I have meet different people from various departments. Out of all of them the computer science departments stands out as the most welcoming simply because when you converse with the faculty, you are able to feel that they genuinely care rather then the common misconception you receive of college professors generalizing their students and considering you a number rather then a person. The computer science department at the College of Charleston is also unique as it teaches primarily software. As a dual credit student last summer, I took a communications class taught by Computer Science Professor, Lancie Alfonso. Professor Alfonso transformed my entire experience and future. Throughout the class, I got to know professor Affonso to the point that he is now my Computer Science Advisor. Professor Affonso encouraged me to get involved with the Computer Science department, even thought I was not officially in the major, by inviting …show more content…

Firstly, to engage in research as the Departmental Honors award is based on Research involvement. Zeringue stated, “research allowed me to work and think independently, develop skills outside of my coursework, and get a feel for academia” as research was a big part of his life. Secondly, to find opportunities outside of the classroom such as the ICAT Program, that can also lead to international travels. Thirdly, to find a successful mentor to help guide you on your path to success. Zeringue advises, “the best lessons you learn in college won’t come from a textbook but from people who have been there and done that and are willing to share their experiences with you.” He expressed, after you have completed your Computer Science degree at the College of Charleston you will have a new appreciation for the faculty and how helpful they

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