My Leadership Philosophy

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The word “Leadership” is often thought of a natural instinct that certain humans get at birth, however, that is not the case. There are people who learn quicker than others and land in leadership positions more frequently than others, but they must have had to learn the basics of leadership somewhere. Leadership can be look on a pyramid and you see that the leaders are on top and the followers are on the bottom, the people on the bottom learn how to become a leader and eventually they get to the top. It can be defined in many different ways but with the experience I have gained in my life so far, a definition of leadership that I believe in today is: “the ability to influence subordinates in order to accomplish a mission.” A leader who is well …show more content…

I have found that leadership can be a difficult task, but something that has helped me from not always choosing my friends is to picking people I don’t really know, giving them a chance at a project or duty. Don’t be afraid to ask for different opinions, different people have different ideas. Two minds are better than one, this also give them the opportunity to give input and feedback. Being a leader can be hard at times, especially when you're around younger kids because you want to be a good role model and lead by example. I have learned that kid emulate things older people do, they are like dry sponges and suck up everything they see. I know that teenagers don’t always do the smartest things, but we have to remember that our younger siblings or if you don’t have any, the kids in our community are watching us. We have to teach them right from wrong, and everyone does it in some way or another, so technically we all have a role in leadership in our community, even though we don’t think about it in our everyday

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