My Leadership Philosophy Paper

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Ashley Hines
4 August 2015
LEAD 3010
Final Paper
Reflection on Different Leadership Styles and My Leadership Philosophy
Leadership may be defined different depending on the people involved and therefore it is open to individual interpretation. Knowledge is power. So naturally, society will believe power is the core of leadership and will assume that those individuals, who have more knowledge and intellect will make good leaders. That is not the case or at least for a great and effective leader. How I defined leadership is, “The point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, and to use yourself completely-all your gifts, skills and energies-to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must in sum, become the …show more content…

These two styles have a lot of connections; such as having a genuine attitude to serve others and to empower people. They are guided by their hearts and remain true to their values/ morals. “Leaders are always trying to do the “right” thing, to be honest with themselves and others, and to work for the common good”. (Avolio, Luthans, George, ppt). Not only does servant and authentic leadership focus on empowering/ motivating people, rather than telling them what is wrong with them but transformational leadership is also a useful leadership style that should be practiced. Transformational leadership, “Raises the consciousness in individuals and gets them to transcend their own self-interests for the sake of others (Burns, Leadership, ppt)”. Transformational leadership is describe as having a set of moral values and having a sense of identity; which can connect with both servant and authentic leadership styles. They all have a connection with awareness and the ability to form a strong connection with their …show more content…

Knowledge of myself is the first factor. I am a strong believer that until you know yourself first, you are not able to meet your fullest potential as a leader. Relationships between individuals exist when each person knows themselves first and know what they bring to the table. According to my personal development, I have identified my core values. There are many different strategies on can use to gain a better understanding of themselves as a person or leader. Not only do I believe knowing yourself is important, but also finding your values are one of the most critical step to becoming an effective leader. Many of my values are a result of my childhood; however my values have been shaped and formed throughout my life. An individual cannot be an effective leader without knowing who they are and what they want out of life. Once this understanding is gained, decisions should be made in such a way that the leader stays true to his or