
My Philosophy Statement Analysis

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Writing my philosophy statement was a journey from the first time I began thinking about it until the second that I finished my final draft. This type of writing is unique to anything that I have done because writing a philosophy statement is similar to writing a reflection, but it must be extremely formal. It is like a reflection because this statement reflects the core values and beliefs that one has on education and how they will run their classroom. For myself, it was difficult to think about what my classroom will look like because I am still so early in the process. I will not have my classroom for at least another three years, but it was so much fun thinking about it. As an education major, my end goal is to be in a classroom and this assignment allowed me to contemplate my adult career and it was so much fun doing this. With the excitement of thinking about my classroom, it was also very difficult because I am still unsure about many things in life, let alone something I will be doing for the rest of my life. …show more content…

In this world today, many people are constantly trying to invent new ideas and structures about how to make everything better in some way or another, which is amazing. I decided to not try to reinvent the wheel and just take ideas from teachers that I adored as a student. This made this assignment a lot of fun because I was able to relive each and every teacher that I had in high school and take ideas that I loved, and ignore ideas that I hated. After many, many drafts, I was finally able to bring many ideas to my philosophy statement that resembled who I want to be as a teacher and how I want my classroom to look

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