My Writing Process Analysis

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This semester of English has taught me many new ways to improve my writing. I have been able to point out writing flaws that I did not know I had prior to this class. I would like to write about the strengths and weaknesses that I had in my papers. After reviewing all of my work, I found that I had most trouble connecting a well-thought out thesis to my body paragraphs; however, I had the most success with the structure of my counterarguments. Planning for my first essay was successful because of my drafting process. This essay was a narrative essay. I understood my personal development as a writer, and I was able to apply my knowledge to my essay. Learning about drafting strategies in class was extremely helpful. According to Norton’s Field Guide, drafting should be done in one sitting and include as much detail as possible. By working on the beginning of the draft first, I was able to stay on track and keep the literacy narrative in chronological order. I was satisfied with this paper and the tips that my book had given me on drafting literacy narratives. My text analysis essay is one that I definitely learned from. I had always known that every paper needed a strong thesis; I did not consider the thesis when I wrote the rest of the paper. I had used quotes from the text to support the analysis, but every sentence I write …show more content…

My essay had a clear structure that showed the relationships between the two. For this essay, I made sure to make changes in my thesis. The problem I encountered was that my thesis was too vague. When my thesis is not specific enough, it does not fully cover the similarities and differences. This lead to my body paragraphs lacking detail. The errors I made in this taught me that I need to fit more description into my thesis sentence. By doing this I will be able to further expand my ideas in the rest of my