
N Ikola Tesla Research Paper

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N ikola Tesla was born in the1850s in a small village Located in Croatia and was a brilliant Mechanical engineer and Electrical engineer that had a general mental capability. Nikola Tesla moved to America in 1884 where he would live his last 59 productive years in which he has had many great achievements in the electrical field before Passing on January 7th, 1943 at the age 86. After passing Nikola Tesla is still remembered for his Achievement’s and inventions, and will forever hold a palace in the world’s history books.

Nikola tesla was born on Thursday July 10, 1856, in the small village of Smiljan in the western region of Lika Located in Croatia (Formally part of the Austo-Hungarian Empire). Son to Duka Tesla (Father) and Milutin Tesla …show more content…

One of his early signs of genius he was able to advanced and integrate calculations in his head witch made his teacher think that he was cheating. Passionate about science and mathematics he set out to become an engineer do he went to polytechnic and studied mechanical and electrical engineering. One day a physics teacher showed Tesla's class a new Gramme dynamo that by employing direct current could be used as both a motor and a generator. After watching it for a time, Tesla suggested it might be possible to do away with a set of commutators. This, his amused professor said, “That would be like building a never ending motion machine” Not even Tesla could hope to achieve such a feat. For the next several years the challenge obsessed Tesla, who instinctively knew that the solution lay in electric currents that alternated. After his schooling Tesla moved on to working for the Central Telephone …show more content…

Tesla started working for Thomas Edison. At the same time he became very close friends with the author Mark Twain, they spent much of their time together in which he would show Mark Twain his newest inventions. Tesla was hired by Edison to take several of Edison’s machines and increase their efficiency. Unfortunately for Tesla, after he completed upgrading the machines Edison fired Tesla and took all the credit. He also dint pay tesla. The main reasons for Edison’s firing of Tesla was that Tesla had started working on the AC current. Edison feared that the AC current would outshine the DC current into an obsolete electrical supplier and he would go out of business. This caused Edson to become bitter towards Tesla.

The period of time in which Tesla’s AC and Edson’s DC currents were competing for electrical supplier supremacy was called the (Current Wars). The first major difference between the AC and the DC currents is the fact that DC can only move electric particles in one direction whereas the AC can transport the electric particles in both directions. Another difference between the two is the speed at which the electric particles are

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