Nursing: Implementation Of New Changes In The Health Field

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(Brown,2014;Doran, 2011)cites that, since nursing is a practice career, it is vital to do research in order to progress and improve knowledge that nurses can use to develop clinical practice and promote quality results.
One of the competencies for entry to the register of the nursing and midwifery council (2010) in the UK, in relation to research is that: All nurses must appreciate the value of evidence in practice, be able to understand and appraise research apply relevant theory and research findings to their work, and identify areas for further investigation.

Research in nursing is an important component to the health care field. Research in nursing aids in the implementation of new changes in the life long care of the individuals and is …show more content…

As science unflods and expands mans concept of the boundaries of medicine, we expect that this wll case considerable and important leaps in the area of health and treatments. With research in nursing these new changes will continue to be implemented and developed into therapied and treatments that will ultimately bring faster healing and better quality of life to the patients who need them the most. Theses therapies are not only for bettering of the patient, but also for the community as a whole. Scientific progress and discovery means less disease, fewer illiness, more vaccines and better quality of life for the community as a …show more content…

Nurses in clinical practice, too will play their part in shaping the future of nursing research. They must justify what they do with sound evidence.

The emphasis on research impact require researchers to focus more on the outcome or product of their research and their engagement with users. Researchers will have to demonstrate the difference that their findings make to people’s health to healthcare organisations and the economy in general.
Nursing research is a scientific process that validates and refines existing knowledge and generates new knowledge that directly and indirectly influences nursing practice. Nursing research is the key to building an evidence based practice for nursing(Brown,2014).

The evidence-based practice movement places particular emphasis on the use of evidence, in particular research findings, in clinical decision making. It is a reaction to what was seen as an overreliance on experience and intuition, and to the lack of knowledge of the effectiveness of