Obesity In America Essay

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In this day and age, people do not take care of themselves, and it is overtaking America. Obesity affects one-third of all Americans (National Geographic). Roughly 18% of Americans smoke. Yet most of these people have yet to do anything about it. These people are choosing not to live long, healthy lives. It is difficult to persuade someone to choose to live healthy when it is so easy to do nothing. These problems can be fixed by breaking down the goal, replacing bad habits with healthy ones, and entrusting other people to help.
Obesity is a difficult topic. Yet it is one of the main, root causes for unmotivated people that don’t want to change. “Obesity is defined by your body mass index, or BMI … If it’s 25, you’re overweight. If it’s 30, …show more content…

They try, and succeed for a few days before temptation overcomes them and they give in. To break a habit takes 60-90 days (American Heart Association). For example, people that are trying to lose weight may cut their portion size or completely skip a meal. These people usually end up binge eating since they get so hungry from under eating. To break a bad habit and live a healthier life, large goals must be broken down into smaller, more manageable goals. For a pack-a-day smoker, giving up the cigarettes completely is extremely difficult. A more manageable goal would be bringing it down to half a pack a day, then a pack a week, then once a month, and so on until they reach their overall goal. An alcohol addict may try to drink three beers a day instead of six. Another way to ditch a bad habit is to replace it. By replacing an unhealthy habit with a healthy habit, not only does one eliminate something harmful, but they also place a healthy alternative in their life. American Heart Association gives this example, “Kojak sucked on lollipops because he was stopping smoking. Of course, too much candy is bad for you, too – but a few lollipops is much better than smoking when it comes to your heart health.” Eventually Kojak could replace lollipops with mints and then possibly a

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