Obesity In America Essay

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Imagine a citizen of the United States being asked, “What do you think of your country?” A general response would be freedom, opportunity and power. American’s usually have a sense of pride when it comes to the place they live in because it’s generally a great place to live. Now, imagine a foreigner is asked, “What do you think of the United States?” Their general response would be unhealthy, obese and loves fast food. People from other countries often envy our freedom, opportunity and power. However, when it comes to the unhealthy lifestyle Americans live, they are far from envying that. In comparing America’s diet to the rest of the world, America is very unhealthy because many people lack the proper nutritious lifestyle. The average American’s lifestyle is fast, on-the-go, and lacks the right type of wellness for many individuals. Taking that into account, many people think health takes consistency, in which they do not have time for. But the truth is, there is time for health and time needs to start …show more content…

In 2016, Bronwyn McHugh describes, “The fundamental cause of obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Globally, the increase in energy-dense foods high in fat and sugar but low in nutritional value, and a decrease in physical activity due to sedentary activity, modes of transport and increased urbanization all contribute to this imbalance” (McHugh, 2016). In America especially, we are tempted with supersized meals filled with sugar and fat. In connection with the lack of proper education and prevention of this temptation, obesity prevalence has increased. Also described in the Article, “The Childhood Obesity Epidemic,” Bronwyn McHugh found the prevalence of childhood obesity in the United States to be, “...over 30% in the USA...” (McHugh, 2016). This quote only shows children; imagine adults and children

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