
Paid Twitter Advertising Campaign Analysis

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Maintaining an active social media presence is as important to your small business as hiring the right people for your team or any other vital task you undertake each day. Social media gives you the opportunity to create the perfect combination of promotional announcements and casual conversations, while working to expand your reach within a particular target market segment.

Twitter is the ideal social media channel for your small business as it gives you the chance to interact with your target market audience and industry influencers at the same time. It is an excellent platform for engaging in paid advertising opportunities that help you increase your brand awareness by targeting potential customers who have a need for the product or service …show more content…

That means your small business has a potential audience on the social media channel just waiting to come in contact with your brand. A paid Twitter advertising campaign makes the connection that helps those potential customers find you. The promotional offer you make in that campaign opens the door for a conversation to take place and before long, you have an extensive reach into a new market segment within your industry.

A paid Twitter advertising campaign provides you with the following tools that benefit your small business.

Gain exposure for your top performing Twitter content.
Set parameters using filter tools to ensure your content reaches the right segment of potential customers.
Earn post distribution that receives accurate A/B test statistics.
Increase your local brand awareness by setting geographical market segment parameters.

There are five different paid Twitter advertising campaigns that you can set up for your small business. With each campaign, you have the opportunity to determine the budget amount you want to spend, the audience you want to reach and the content focus of the …show more content…

These tweets also appear in user timelines and in search results that are relevant to the content of each tweet you choose to promote. As users come in contact with your promoted tweets, they have the option to retweet the content, ‘like’ it or reply directly to your tweet.

How Promoted Tweets Work
A promoted tweets campaign begins with you creating the content as if you were sending a regular tweet on your account. Twitter recommends that you include an image or video clip in your content to increase the potential of targeted users engaging with your information. Tweets containing this information often see the following results.

Engagement rates that are 313 percent higher than content containing no multimedia.
Retweet rates are 52 percent higher than those with no visual content.
Video clips, such as a Vine, produce engagement rates that are 250 percent higher than content that only contains an

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