Personal Narrative: My Goals In My Writing

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In the beginning of the semester, I created some goals for myself. These helped me become not only a better student but a better writer as well. One of my goals was to have better grammar in my writing. Throughout this semester I have worked on little grammar fixes daily. Another goal I had for myself was to build a better formal tone in my writing. In the beginning of this semester I used a more informal tone to every piece I wrote. However, now at the end of the semester, I understand when it is appropriate to use an informal tone vs a formal tone. My last goal was to not procrastinate. This semester I did a better job of not procrastinating, but I still could have done a better job. I worked on my papers a little everyday but finished all …show more content…

At most points these articles were hard to understand. However, I learned how to correctly annotate an article. This helped my understanding and writing skills because it was easier to read the articles. Reading critically helped influence my writing skills because I could find the perfect quotes that I needed to push my points in my papers easier. When I was writing my papers it was important to format things in the MLA format. It is important to cite sources on the work cited correctly because it is giving the person who wrote the quotes and articles credit. It is also illegal to take credit for someone else's work and without citing them in text and on the works cited is …show more content…

In this class we wrote an annotated bibliography. This requires to do all of the research that is needed for a research paper. I found three articles and critically read and summarize them. This was helpful because I learned more about the topic I was writing about and I could write about reliable facts from those articles. We had organizers to help us as well. The charts helped gather the information and organize our thoughts. This helped me because in recent years I have had a hard time trying to get my words on paper. This was easier to see what information I could use and place into the paper. This chart also helped to determine if the source was reliable or not. If there was not an answer in the article to one of the questions in the chart then that counts for less reliable of a source. Throughout this course I have learned a lot about grammar and tips on my writing skills. The daily tips we took in class really helped me through this. Almost everyday my teacher would give us a tip on how to make my papers better. This really helped because I learned how to fix most of my common mistakes in my papers. Most of these tips were small little things that people commonly overlook. This includes the numbers that need to be wrote out and the numbers that are good to type out. These tips will not only help me in this class, but they will continue to help me all the way through

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