Personal Statement

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Since the day I realised I wanted to be a doctor, I have wondered what is the ultimate reason for me to aspire for a career in medicine. Is it my family's history of having chronic illnesses since I have been a child? Is it due to me being a hospital patient in the past? Is it my passion for science and how the human body works? Upon writing this personal statement, I have come to understand that it is a combination of factors ranging from the dedication of lifelong learning required to treat patients, up to challenging yourself daily to embark upon greater reward in the future.
Obtaining a weeks placement in the Cardiac Ward in the Royal Berkshire Hospital allowed me to gain a deeper insight into the greater duties and necessary skills required of being a doctor. After shadowing both junior doctors and consultants on ward rounds, I found that good communication between all medical staff and patients is essential. Not only does this help to make an informed decision on a patients diagnosis, but also allows a patient to put their trust in the doctor so any procedure or treatment is possible to undergo having the patients consent. Having excellent teamwork skills is also a crucial factor in the care and treatment of an individual. For example watching …show more content…

However the talk as a whole reassured my passion in medicine and kept me self motivated. I have taken my interest further by reading the student BMJ in which I find some very interesting articles from different areas of medicine. I am also currently doing an EPQ on nanotechnology which I have so far learnt a great deal from and feel that it is worthwhile doing research on a new scientific invention with many medical applications and also drawing upon medical ethics. This has helped to develop my organisation and research skills

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