Personal Statement

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I love the sales industry because it gives me an opportunity to be around different people. I love the challenge of getting customers on your side and helping them overcome problems. I’m a big people-person and I love the interaction with different types of people.

I am constantly motivated by the challenge of making a sale. The success of finding potential clients and then landing them is thrilling. I like planning the sales pitch and finding those customer pain points that I can then solve with the product.

I think both things are important and support each other. Customer service is much easier when you are selling a quality product. However, you won’t be able to make a sale if you don’t respect and treat your custosmers right. I always …show more content…

I want to understand what their pain points are and how the product I’m selling could help them. When talking to customers, I try to listen to their objections and provide arguments for buying the product. This all required me to know the product inside out – I always want to thoroughly research and test the products I’m selling.

I believe the best salespersons are passionate about their job and the product. A good salesperson ensures customers are thoroughly informed and they receive good customer service.

I was asked to implement a new sales pitch on our department and help the new trainees to learn it. I spent a couple of days perfecting the pitch, getting input from the management team about the changes I made. I then started going through it with the trainees, taking their ideas and refining the pitch. I created a six-step strategy and an online course for learning the pitch which receive a lot of praise from my manager. In the end, the new pitch ended up increasing sales by 10% in its first month.

Losing a sale, especially at the last minute is disappointing. But I think a key to being a good salesperson is to avoid taking this failure personally. I try to learn why the sale failed and listen to the customer’s reasoning. This can help me improve my technique and help develop the product further as