Personal Statement

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To pursue a MBA or to not pursue a MBA Throughout my senior year at Lynchburg College, I have constantly pondered on what to do after graduation and where to take my life on its next adventure. While pondering my decision I constructed a rational decision-making approach model. As I began to imagine my post-graduate life I developed three alternatives: pursue an MBA, begin my career as a project manager, or be an intern for a managerial position. Reflecting on my choices I became puzzled and confused as to whether it would be healthy for me to continue my education. I would particularly enjoy a year off from school and pursue a career in the meantime, so that I am able to come into the MBA program with some business world experience. Instead …show more content…

However, these benefits are only the tip of the iceberg; mainly with pursuing a master I would gain knowledgeable experience throughout my field, through my graduate position, and within the classroom. Although, I would be receiving an immense amount of benefits I would also be digging myself into further debt, prolonging my previous loans, and reducing my ability to make well needed …show more content…

Once I finished pursing a MBA my starting salary in project management would be approximately: $71,117, after graduation career it would be: $62,216, and during my internship it would be: $19,368. Now of course realizing that after graduation my loan debt will begin to complete payments I know that an internship is not particularly in the cards. However, in the pursuit of an MBA my loans will get deferred for those two year that I am in school. So, reflecting on salary I would say that a pursuit in a MBA is more beneficial since it has a positive nine-thousand-dollar gap from the career path

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