
Personal Statement

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Personal Vision
I believe passionately that public schools should be focused primarily on instruction and student achievement. Everything that we do, and every system that we have, must be aligned to support the work of teachers and principals in the delivery of instruction. It’s about instruction and only instruction. Student learning and achievement is our whole reason for existing.

Instructional Climate
In my view, the job of school leaders is to develop and foster a school climate that supports and enables teachers to do the core work of the organization. Real student learning can occur only when teachers are allowed to establish productive relationships with children. Therefore, school leaders must vigorously guard instructional time …show more content…

We must have diagnostic and formative assessments that provide real time feedback to principals and teachers about individual student progress. Summative data is not enough if our instructional practices are to be tailored to the needs of individual students and if parents are to be meaningfully engaged in the education of their children. Supervision of teachers and administrators is an integral piece of this process and must be accomplished in a collegial manner, allowing for mutual exploration of strategies to enhance learning and student …show more content…

No single benchmark can do this. Rather, we must use multiple measures to determine the success of our efforts. In addition to student test scores, we must gauge community involvement in our schools, graduation rates, and the quality of our business partnerships to name only a few. This can be especially challenging in light of the cultural and socioeconomic changes taking place in our community, but I am excited about the opportunity to lead in such an environment. Diversity is a strength of the community that should be encouraged and

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