Personal Statement

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I want to pursue a Ph.D. in Climate Change. My research will focus on the impacts of climate change and what can be done to mitigate them. I also plan to make myself available to policy makers and the public so that they can be informed about climate change and its effects on the lives of everyone. While research is important, I feel that this is where the connection stops for many scientists. This cannot be the case for climate change research, as it is an issue that policy makers and the public have a vast effect on through their everyday actions. I believe as scientists who discover problems, it is also our job to help work towards solutions. The solutions to climate change will be interdisciplinary, so it is our job as climate change scientists to play an educational role in their creation. As an aspiring climate change scientist, I see myself working as an …show more content…

The amount and breadth of research happening in geology amazed me, but it also made me aware of a large disconnect between the information gained through this research and a public that I believe it would highly benefit. This realization caused me to reflect on my future and what I could do to fix this problem. I still want to pursue a Ph.D. in Climate Change, but my experience at GSA has inspired me to apply it more broadly that I would have before. Rather than simply research, I also want to educate the public about both my research and others’ important findings in the field of climate change. I will provide myself as a liaison between scientists, policy makers, and the public. Though I believe this interdisciplinary role is currently lacking, it is one that the world is in dire need of; climate change affects us all and we must do our best to guarantee a positive future for the Earth and