Personal Statement

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Like most aspects of today’s society, the global economy can be an intimidating part of adulthood. Upon commencement, the world suddenly becomes very competitive and students must prepare themselves to always be a step ahead to earn career opportunities in a fast paced ever changing environment. College students must begin to develop and demonstrate their abilities in order to apply knowledge and skills to the global economy through their responsibility, teamwork and communication, and knowledge of diverse human cultures. Every human being is tasked with the enormous responsibility of striving to improve. Too many people take only what they get and do not try to grow and develop as a person. If everyone in the world accepted the minimum and never strived to better the world, no one would be great. Martin Luther King Jr. would not have led the civil rights movement if he had allowed hatred and animosity to get the better of him. Maintaining a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook on life is key to success in college and will prepare students for the rigorous professional economies. In order to be successful, students must always be willing to work hard and take pride in their work ethic. Our responsibility as students and ultimately as humans is to always strive for excellence no matter what we do. …show more content…

A significant part of being successful in our society is being able to work with a team and achieve effective communication. Technology opens doors that have never been opened before, yet it can have a negative impact on communication skills. The upcoming generation is being submerged more in technology and less in human interaction. Knowing the importance and skill of making personal connections, building relationships, and developing teamwork in college is key to success in any profession in today’s

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