Personal Statement

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What am I going to do with my life? Right now, I am surrounded by hundreds of seniors, who are asking themselves the same question. I can hear people around the school talking about it. People even post it on social media. Every student seems to get more nervous as time goes by. It is understandable that this question can cause such an incredible anxiousness at this stage of life. Every teenager dreams about having a successful life. Youth, always wants to feel the satisfaction of being the greatest. So, what is the key to success? The answer is simple, just set goals for yourself and accomplish them as soon as possible. In my case, I want to go to college and graduate with a degree in engineering. After graduating from college, I want to have …show more content…

Numbers, shapes, equations, and word problems are what I enjoy the most. During all the time that I have been here at Crockett High School, I have always enjoyed my math and science classes. Every day, I am just waiting to be in those classes. Physics is especially my favorite science class. Not everyone enjoys and understands the magic behind Physics. As my Physics teacher would say, "Everything has to do with Physics." I remember the first time I took Physics during my sophomore year. The first day of classes, there were about 30 students in the class and by the end of the week there were about 15 students. I was one of the few students who stayed. At the beginning of that year, I really did not like the class because my grades and my performance were not as good as I wanted them to be. My knowledge of math was not as advanced as Physics Pre-AP, since I only had taken Algebra 1 and Geometry. After a couple of weeks, I started to understand Physics. Guess what happened at the end of the year? Yes, I got a perfect 100 on the final test. This year I am taking AP Physics and Calculus BC. These two classes are "Advanced Placement." Both classes will help me prepare for my future classes and activities in college. Physics and Calculus are just some of those classes that are difficult and, at the same time, fun. Math and science are just like another language for me and not anyone can speak