Middle School Application Essay

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Ever since elementary school, I have had a love for science and a curiosity to discover the world around me. I always liked to be outside making my own terrariums and imagining how I would design my own world. When I grew older and entered middle school, I was given the opportunity to go on class trips to three-day science camps at Catalina and AstroCamp. At these camps, I was not only able to further explore my passion for science, but also learn how it affects the world and people living in it. In Catalina, I remember learning about how harvesting kelp for profit was killing ocean life, and at AstroCamp, I was able to simulate how astronauts build things in space with a team in a huge indoor pool. I also began to develop a much stronger interest in math once in middle school. _______________________. …show more content…

Physics turned out to be my favorite class I have ever taken with one of the best teachers I have ever had. The entire science of physics is really studying how things work, which provides knowledge applicable to everything. Since I could see how this subject was used in real life, it captured my attention quickly. This in-depth analytical look at how everyday things function absolutely fascinates me. I love being able to explain to someone why the sky is blue or how nuclear reactors work. Even outside of class, I am constantly thinking about how physics is working in the world around me. Physics has taught me to think about things not only in regards to the finished product, but how the parts that make that product work