Personal Statement

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Business is and always will be how the world works. Every day there is a person shopping for something or someone, buying or selling some type of product, promoting and/or advertising a business, they can even discount items for you as well. All of these actions plus many more are activities that we as individuals are involved in on a daily basis in some type of way. Management is definitely an area of work that I am very interested in pursuing, and would love to discover more about. Although I do have a large range of interests, management is definitely an area of which I have always been drawn to because it’s an extremely exciting environment that has a great amount of demands and challenges, that of which excites me because I have the ability …show more content…

I possess a great strong amount of team-working skills, I am capable of working individually or as part of a group, and I also have excellent organizational skills that I have since grade school but I definitely gained a lot more through academic and work experience. I would say that some of my key strengths would be; having the ability to make analytical judgements, being effective in people management, making decisions that I would consider to be best for person, people, or group as a whole, also having the ability to assess business situations and identifying the important points of a situation and/or issue. I have excellent interpersonal skills which definitely allows me to relay business information clearly and concise to my target audience, and I can display and prepare well thought out and reliable presentations for either an individual or …show more content…

My freshman year of college I attended Lawson State Community College where I was the a part of the SGA also as a college student and a waitress I have definite experience with computers from Macs to HPs and also XP to Windows 7 and Windows 8. I am also familiar with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Excel. I feel that the three most important things that I have learned from my experiences thus far would be 1, having the ability to understand and comprehend what drives a business and the steps to take that are needed when resolving any issues that may have a negative effect on the growth and profitability of the company, 2, being able to look beyond numbers to the business trends and its drivers, becoming successful in what we do and continue to carry on the great name of the company and 3, being able to work to until every deadline is met and also work and complete task while under

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