Personal Statement

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College; this is where people begin to set up their careers and future lives. The big question everyone must answer eventually is, “what do I want to do with my life?” For myself, I want to go into to business; more specifically, marketing. A marketing degree opens the door to many careers throughout the business world. There are many elements inside and out of my life that have played a factor in my decision of declaring my major as marketing. The marketing world is constantly developing with new products and technology. Additionally, the field of marketing requires certain set of skills and experiences to become a successful marketing manager that I believe I have obtained. In result, between my family background, my skill set and traits, along with the aspects of marketing managers, I believe that becoming a marketing manager would be the best career for …show more content…

During high school I balanced school, playing soccer, and working seventeen hours per work. However, this past summer was the most valuable experience I have ever endured. Over the summer, I worked over 50 hours a week between my job at Powell Relocation and Woods Landscaping. During the mornings I would work at Woods Landscaping and would do intense outdoor labor from six thirty in the morning till one o’clock. From there I would work at Powell Relocation in their warehouse, doing countless tasks carrying large furniture, from one thirty in the afternoon till six in the evening. With this, I had some days where I worked over twelve hours a day and then had to wake up at six in the morning the following day. Through these experiences, I learned what it felt like to work fulltime and have limited free time in the evening, especially while my friends were out enjoying most summer days. By working both jobs each day, I learned how to cope with the physical and mental side effects of working an above average work weeks just like most marketing

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