Personal Statement For Research Paper

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Personal Statement

Lying in bed as a little kid my thoughts grew like a wildfire, racing, from thoughts about candy, to episodes of Tom and Jerry, or colorful and imaginative thoughts. Yet the question that persisted in my head was why the person I looked up to the most left me, without explanation, or simply saying goodbye. At the same time I was reaching an age where I was beginning to understand the world around me, which left me scarred mentally, and emotionally.

What most affected me was when my father left me for periods of time throughout my life. the father figure in my life that was supposed to be there in times of a needed role model, and to be the one to shape me into a man, not being in my life around my mother and sisters built a confusion inside of me as a little kid creating mixed emotions about my dad. after a period of three years of him not having contact with me has left me scarred. curiosity of why my dad left me with no reason or explanation lead to the discovery of my dad had hurt my mom emotionally and physically throughout their …show more content…

He was a giant and he was twice my size. He was also my idol. He was also the person who taught me bad habits. Most which involved stealing. I went from stealing candy to gas stations, to raiding people’s homes. In reflection, I now realize my behaviors were the result of my fractured relationship with my dad. In a way I went from idolizing my father, to idolizing Beto.

My turning point came after I was in a major car accident at the end of my sophomore year of high school. Two of my friends died as a result of our reckless and un-mindful decisions. That experience made me realize that I was on the wrong track. My friends dying were proof to me that my life could end in an instant without me ever accomplishing much or leaving a legacy behind. I realized how other people’s lives can be negatively or positively impacted by the decisions I

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