Personal Statement: I Want To Be An 8th-Grade-Appointed Officer

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1. I am Anu and I want to be an 8th grade appointed officer next year (2017-2018) because I feel that I have the integrity and ability to be an officer! My skills are just what needs to be brought to the table for ASB and Beaver Lake’s needs! 2. My skills represent an officer perfectly, here is a scenario: if my group and I were doing a project and I was the leader, instead of just deciding what we would do I would make sure everyone had input in the project to make them feel special! Some minor examples of me being a leader in this project/ my everyday life are: • I value and appreciate other people’s offers/ideas • I encourage myself and others to keep trying • I’m a great listener/organize • I take pride in my work 3. At this point …show more content…

I will make sure to let Mr. Berg know if I can’t possibly make it to something beforehand, so he can be prepared for me to not be there! If I can’t make it to something I will use my time to make it up! I will always try to make ASB my priority! 4. I think the student body should up to me because I represent a LEADER! I take everything in like a challenge so that I can to it to my full potential. If I was doing a spirt poster I would make sure if has all the spirt I possibly have! The student body should look up to me because I want what they want. People should be surrounded we people who make them happy! I want every single person at beaver lake to feel welcomed and feel like they have a place at beaver lake! I feel that I can do that if get if I get elected for office! 5. I think my classmates would say I’m a go getter because say I get a grade that I don’t think is good enough for me I try my hardest by changing by either talking to the teacher after class, writing her note explaining why I should get a good grade. Another thing is I make really good first impressions with all my classmates and teachers people tell them make them feel