
Persuasive Essay On Animal Cloning

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Dog is man's best friend, right? Imagine your beloved dog gets sick and passes away. What do you do? Why of course, you choose to get a clone of your dog. Cloning animals is a major problem for multiple reasons; it is proven the animal that is cloned will have a shorter life and is likely to suffer. Cloning animals is not just against religious purposes but it puts animals through cruel and unjust pain that they don't deserve.

Animal cloning seems to have more downs than ups. One result of animal cloning is a shorter life span in animals that if they weren't cloned they could live healthy normal lives. For example in 2009 "scientist report that they used frozen cells to clone a bucardo, an extinct Spanish goat. However the clone …show more content…

Also cloning is against some peoples religious beliefs. In the Bible it states, "Know that the lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture" (New International Version, Psalm 100:3). This means and goes for all cloning, he is the creator and that he created you and everything in this world. Religion is a big part of the world and will have a huge affect on people and what they decide. This goes the exact same for animals, anything that is made by God should only be made by him. So what is being said is don't mess with nature and the way things are. Trying to bring extinct animals back isn't a very good idea. For starters it is proven that the climates of areas change that's probably why the animal became extinct in the first place. Bringing extinct animals back and trying to put them back into a habitat will make the ecosystem go haywire. There is perfect balance in the ecosystem introducing one wrong species could change the biosphere for good or for worse. Overall introducing extinct animals back and cloning animals is not only a bad idea but it is against many religious …show more content…

For one people believe that cloning animals is good and will bring back extinct species. However here is the problem with this is that animals that have gone extinct have went extinct for a reason. Animals that can not adapt to a change in climate die off so it is not a good idea at all to bring back animals that will not be able to survive the environment. Also this may mess up the entire system and food chains. A second argument is that cloning animals can help like if an animal would lose a limb or if they have health issues. The problem with this is animals that are being cloned now have a very low survival rate as minimal animals that are cloned can actually survive and if they do survive most are born with birth defects that cause suffering and a shorter life span. Also some say it's worth it to clone a pet but it's really not. The money that goes into a clone attempt is ridiculous and there is no point pay that much money for a pet that may not be the same or healthy like your pet. Besides who would want to pay thousands of dollars when you can save a dog at the human society rather than putting an animal in pain by trying to clone it. Finally people claim that we could use cloning on food products like animals and dairy products. When this was starting "consumer groups immediately called for boycotts, and many dairy processors pledged to reject the drug" (Temple 1). This is because it could be cautious to

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