Persuasive Essay On Gmo Foods

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Genetically Modified Organism also known as GMOs. GMOs are living beings that have had their genetic changed in some way. other than crossing two plants out in the field they insert a gene into individual cells in a lab.
The process to create a GMO starts very small. A scientist causes a gene to be inserted into the DNA in the nucleus of a single cell. Despite how tiny a cell is, there is a massive amount of DNA all packaged into its one little nucleus. Into this enormous amount of DNA, a very small piece is inserted. A vast majority of the organism’s genetic code remains completely unchanged by the process. Once this single cell has been modified, the scientist will treat it with naturally occurring plant hormones to stimulate growth and …show more content…

GMOs uses less herbicides and other pesticides that aren't that good.
Creates food with better texture, flavor, and nutritional value. Foods with a longer shelf life for easier shipping. GMOs foods can create an essential sustainable way to feed the world. An example of how it made crops better, Avicennia Marina genetically implanted a tobacco plant. It made it able to tolerate salt stress and tolerance to other ionic stresses.
GMOs causes a lot of environmental challenges, for example, Bees. Bees are very important in the pollination of many food crops. They are extremely endangered by GMOs crops. The herbicides and pesticides cause a DNA change in the GM causing the plants to be ressient to bees and butterflies. Increasing effects of GMOs are important to take into consideration.
I feel like people would definitely want their food to be labeled about the GMOs because we have a right to know what's in our food. Hawaii people took a survey which said "More than 90 percent of those surveyed supported the labeling of GM foods, 68 percent indicated that such labeling was needed, and 50 percent felt that not labeling GM food products was a violation of the consumer’s rights.” The government has no right to hide what we’re