Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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C David Holman Mrs. Cottam English 11 1/1/15 Although having tighter gun control laws and more restrictions on gun owners might decrease gun related deaths, these laws will not stop the violence and crime associated with gun use. The 2nd amendment in the constitution states that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The loss of this right would put too much power in the hands of the government and would limit the ability for citizens to protect themselves. Gun control laws are not going to prevent criminals from using guns because if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Also almost all of the people who are involved mass shootings or crimes usually are mentally unstable. The problem is not that we don’t have enough gun control laws in place; it is that we don’t enforce the laws as efficiently as we should. By adding more gun control in America we are infringing on the right that our forefathers gave us when they wrote the second amendment. Many Americans use guns to go hunting, target shooting and to protect themselves in case of an emergency. The average “response time for police is around 11 minutes” for …show more content…

Gun restrictions do not decrease crime and save lives, what saves lives is when people are able to protect themselves by owning a gun. It is one of our rights to own guns and the majority of gun use is not used for malicious killings or to cause crime. Many studies have shown that as the number of people who own guns rises the number of homicides has decreased. If America did better background checks and held the people who use guns illegally accountable for their actions, instead of blaming the killings off types of guns then there would be less deaths and a higher feeling of security in our