Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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There is one thing the United States has been known for since its creation as a nation, it is the land of freedom and opportunity. Who wouldn't want to take advantage of the opportunities the U.S. can provide for its citizens? Some may be born with opportunities handed to them and some may have to work for opportunities, but no one should have the right to come by those opportunities illegally. Illegal immigration has become a serious problem in the U.S. recently and there are many reasons that this should not be tolerated. Taking away from citizens, breaking the law, and using services that do not belong to them are a few reasons why the U.S. needs to put a stop to illegal immigration. But, the most important reason for not tolerating undocumented …show more content…

are some of the most fortunate humans on the planet. Equality, freedom of press, religion, and speech are just a few of the most wonderful rights people living in the U.S. have every single day, but citizens of other countries are not quite as fortunate. In Yemen "Women can't leave the house without their husbands' permission...[except] for a few emergency exceptions" (Dewey 1). Leaving the house whenever the they feel like it is something women in the U.S. don't think twice about. Poor economic conditions in their homeland is one of the main reasons that illegal immigrations attempt to make the journey across the border into the U.S. Many parents want to provide a better life for their children and the country they are from simply cannot provide the life that the U.S. can. Coming to a new land can seem like the perfect opportunity to give a child their best hope for success. "A single mother from Honduras, left her young son and daughter at home in Honduras and immigrated illegally into the US in hope of providing a better life for her kids in the U.S. She hoped to avoid watching her children grow up in the poor conditions she endured. However, being separated from her kids for many years led them to resent her for leaving them." (Nazario). A parents desire to provide the best for their children can lead them to do extreme things. However, this desire to do right by their kids cannot justify entering the United States