
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Of all things that are legal in this country, I have a hard time understanding how medical marijuana is not one of those things. Medical marijuana could help so many people, all the way from infants to the elderly. There are currently twenty-nine states in the Unites States that allow medicinal marijuana. If the other thirty-one states would legalize it, it would help lessen the pain of so many people with painful diseases. This is why I think that medical marijuana should be legalized in all fifty states. I do not think that recreational marijuana should be legal. Most people think that it has no negative effect, but any type of smoke that is going into your body is bad for you. It is harmful to your mouth, teeth, lungs, and brain. So, by legalizing recreational marijuana it is just hurting everyone who chooses to use it, unfortunately, many states have already done this. If medical marijuana was ingested by mouth with a pill, this would eliminate the negative effects from the smoke and still have the same effect. I myself, do not see many downsides,or cons to medical marijuana. If it can reduce the pain of those suffering, then why wasn’t it legal a long time ago? "Doctors and nurses have …show more content…

They don’t understand that it is people like them who abuse the drug, are the ones keeping the government from legalizing it. If medicinal marijuana does become legal in all of the United States, I think that recreational marijuana should still be illegal. There should still be a punishment when caught with it, maybe even a harsher one since it is so common. Having a harsher punishment would eliminate some of the users, like young teenagers who smoke marijuana “for

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