Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Power

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Nuclear Power
Garrett, Hammill
English 8

Will there ever be a solution to the energy demand around the world? According to the Department of Energy there are 7 different ways electricity is generated. Only four of them use renewable fuel sources, one of which goes beyond and contributes to the medical field. Nuclear power well keep up with the demands for power, while having safe disposal options, and good creation of jobs. The amount of energy that is being consumed by the world each year is adding up, and from 2012 alone the world used over 22,752 TWh TWH or 227.52 billion 100 watt light bulbs. With that in mind the cost to make ratio makes the choice for society on which is cheap and effective to make. According …show more content…

Will nuclear power have the most on-site jobs available for people as of today. According to (Nie) or nuclear energy Institute which did a study on how many people work in a nuclear power plant. With their study they estimated 100,000 people are employed and working the nuclear power industry in the United States. On average every power plant has 530 people working there. Of course the bigger the better but is it the same for the amount of jobs the plant can house. At parol Verde they have on staff 3790 full-time employees while they have 389 part-time staff members, (Economics of Palo Verde nuclear generation Station). Just over 4000 people work there Donald the same time of course. But to put together they make the biggest nuclear power plant in the United States. Everyone in that point it's very high skilled very talented at what they do. In a nuclear power plant 18 different job options are available (Nie). Most of the skill jobs require a four year college degree, or a two year college degree after two years or more of service in the nuclear submarine division of the United States Navy. A lot of people are used to make do you want to see that powers cities across the nation