Persuasive Essay On Proposition 19

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ave you ever heard a drug called Marijuana? Marijuana has been around as early as 500 B.C. Everyday we go through our lives and argue when we have the chance that we should either legalize Marijuana or not. Some say, that marijuana is beneficial towards medical issues, gives stress relief, and easy to get. And some say that marijuana is a bad decision to be legalized because it will give a bad environment to kids or newborns, giving bad influence to the next generations, and it could lead to gang fights. Marijuana should not be legalized because it could lead the society to waste. Vote no for Proposition 19. Proposition 19 is a reform that will legalized marijuana, but making this proposition forward can lead to devastation. Public school superintendent John Snavely, Ed.D. warns that Proposition 19 could cost our K-12 schools as much as $9.4 billion in lost federal funding. Making it more severe since many schools already experienced severe budget cuts due to state budget crisis.If the proposition 19 passed, it will lead employers losing public contracts and grants because they could no longer effectively enforce the drug-free workplace requirements. The ones that favors proposition 19 will strictly …show more content…

However, it will never be maintain, back in 2008 alone, cartels have murdered 6,290 civilians in Mexico more than all U.S troops that were killed in Iran and Afghanistan combined. Keeping it control can never be the way they want to be. There will always be a way to get around the restriction no matter what. It can’t always be restricted because people can always break rules because it's part of life. Those who proposed proposition 19 thinks will keep the workplace, roadways, and communities safe, but it will never